Outlawed by Forbidden 50ml
Outlawed by Forbidden 50ml started off as something completely different. With a mix of grape, strawberry and mixed berries we thought this would be a nice fruit medley. However, we overdosed it with the strawberry and it turned into a popular flavour similar to Strawberry Chewits!
As this is a shortfill eliquid (just has flavour and enough room for you to add Nicotine) you will need to add the following to make this into an eliquid:-
This flavour comes in a 60ml Bottle and contains 50ml of liquid. This is ready to vape as an 0mg Eliquid or for 3mg Nicotine users, simply add a 10ml Nic shot (Provided in price) to make 60ml of Eliquid.
70% VG / 30% Mix, 60ml Bottle.
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